Saturday, 13 September 2014

Absolute power?!!

Theist people usually go on about how God knows all and he has absolute power. they claim that God is everywhere too.
the other day I was thinking about this and, I have to say that it is very contradictory to have those powers and properties at the same time.
Assuming that God is always everywhere, it means that he cannot choose to be absent somewhere. in other words, he does not have the power to choose not be somewhere. this means he does not have absolute power after all, he does not have the power not to be somewhere.
And if you say that he can choose to not be somewhere, then that contradicts the assumption that he is everywhere. because he has chosen not to be somewhere.
the same thing is true for know it all. assume he knows everything, then that means he cannot forget and thus, he does not have the power to forget. And if he does, then that means he is forgetting and he does not know everything.
being able to think is a gift, do that theist folks.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

ما قاله رجال الدين الذين يقدسهم المسلمون اليوم عن العلم

 قال ابن القيم: (كما هي عادته سبحانه وسنته في عباده إذا أعرضوا عن الوحي، وتعوضوا عنه بكلام البشر، فالمغرب؛ لما ظهرت فيهم الفلسفة والمنطق واشتغلوا بها استولت النصارى على أكثر بلادهم وأصاروهم رعية لهم، وكذلك لما ظهر ذلك ببلاد المشرق؛ سلط الله عليهم التتار فأبادوا أكثر البلاد الشرقية واستولوا عليها، وكذلك في أواخر المائة الثالثة وأول الرابعة لما اشتغل أهل العراق بالفلسفة وعلوم أهل الإلحاد؛سلط الله عليهم القرامطة الباطنية، فكسروا عسكر الخليفة عدة مرات واستولوا على الحاج واستعرضوهم قتلاً وأسراً) إغاثة اللهفان: 2/602.
وفي الحديث: (العلم ثلاثة وما سوى ذلك فضل؛ آية محكمة، وسنة متبعة، وفريضة عادلة)  انظر ذلك بالتفصيل في "جامع بيان العلم وفضله"، لابن عبد البر: 2/29 -50.
وقال الأوزاعي: (العلم ما جاء به أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فما كان غير ذلك فليس بعلم)  فضل علم السلف على علم الخلف: ص59
وقال شيخ الإسلام: (لكن جماع الخير أن يستعين بالله سبحانه في تلقي العلم الموروث عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، فإنه هو الذي يستحق أن يسمى علماً، وما سواه إما أن يكون علما فلا يكون نافعاً، وإما أن لا يكون علماً وإن سمي به، ولئن كان علماً نافعاً فلا بد أن يكون في ميراث محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ما يغني عنه مما هو مثله وخير منه) المجموع: 10/664.
وقال ابن رجب: (فالعلم النافع من هذه العلوم كلها ضبط نصوص الكتاب والسنة وفهم معانيها، والتقيد بالمأثور عن الصحابة والتابعين وتابعيهم في معاني القرآن والحديث... في ذلك غاية لمن عقل، وشغل لمن بالعلم النافع اشتغل) السابق: ص63.
وقال الشافعي:
كل العلوم سوى القرآن مشغلة إلا الحديث وإلا الفقه في الدين
العلم ما كان فيه قال؛ حدثنا وما سوى ذاك وسواس الشياطين
وقال ابن القيم:
العلم قال الله قال رسوله قال الصحابة هم أولو العرفان
و لا يمكن نسيان ما فعله الخليفة الراشد عمر بن الخطاب ، فإنه لما فتحت فارس وجد المسلمون فيها كتباً كثيرة، فاستشاروا عمر فيها، فأمرهم بإحراقها، وقال قولته العظيمة: (إن يكن ما فيها هدى فقد هدانا الله بأهدى منه، وإن يكن ضلالاً فقد كفاناه الله)، فأحرقت كلها أو طرحت في الماء، فهؤلاء قدوتكم، بلاد فارس التي اشتهر بها علوم الطب و الكيمياء و الفلك و الفلسفة في ذلك الوقت بل و تتلمذ عدد من العرب فيها مثل الحارث بن كلدة يقوم عمر ابن الخطاب قدوة السنة بحرق جميع هذه العلوم و المعارف.
اما بالكيمياء
فيقول شيخ الإسلام : (وحقيقة الكيمياء إنما هي تشبيه المخلوق، وهو باطل في العقل، والله تعالى ليس كمثله شيء لا في ذاته ولا في صفاته ولا في أفعاله، فهو سبحانه لم يخلق شيئاً يقدر العباد أن يصنعوا مثل ما خلق... وأهل الكيمياء من أعظم الناس غشاً ولهذا لا يظهرون للناس إذا عاملوهم إن هذا من الكيمياء... فجماهير من يطلب الكيمياء لا يصل إلى المصنوع الذي هو مغشوش باطل طبعاً، محرم شرعاً بل هم يطلبون الباطل الحرام... ولم يكن في أهل الكيمياء أحد من الأنبياء ولا من علماء الدين ولا من مشايخ المسلمين، ولا من الصحابة ولا من التابعيين لهم بإحسان وأقدم من يحكى عنه شيء في الكيمياء خالد بن يزيد بن معاوية وليس هو ممن يقتدي به المسلمون في دينهم ولا يرجعون إلى رأيه... وأما جابر ابن حيان؛ صاحب المصنفات المشهورة عن الكيماوية فمجهول لا يعرف، وليس له ذكر بين أهل العلم ولا بين أهل الدين) [19] اهـ.
ثم قال: (والكيمياء أشد تحريماً من الربا) [20].
وقال: (إن الكيمياء لم يعملها رجل له في الأمة لسان صدقٍ، ولا عالم متبع، ولا شيخ يقتدى به ولا ملك عادل، ولا وزير ناصح، وإنما يفعلها شيخ ضال مضل).
ثم قال: (وأيضاً فإن فضلاء أهل الكيمياء يضمون إليها الذي يسمى "السيمياء"، وهو السحر... فإنك تجد "السيمياء" التي هي من السحر كثيراً ما تقترن بالكيمياء، ومعلوم بالاضطرار من دين الإسلام أن السحر أعظم المحرمات، فإذا كانت تقترن به كثيراً، ولا تقترن بأهل العلم والإيمان بل هي من أعمال أهل الكفر والفسوق والعصيان) اهـ.
وقد قال الذهبي في "مسائل طلب العلم وأقسامه": (فصل: ومن العلوم المحرمة: علم السحر والكيمياء والسيمياء والشعبذة والتنجيم، والرمل وبعضها كفر صراح) [21] اهـ.
وقد نعت ابن خلدون في مقدمته [22]؛ الكيميائيين بأنهم يشتغلون بالسحر والطلسمات، وأنكر هذا العلم وأبطله.

[19] المجموع: 29/398، وما بعدها.
[20] المجموع: 29/378.
[21] ص 214.
[22] ص 496، وما بعدها.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Arguments of theists!!

When people ask me about my beliefs, and they find out that I am an atheist. they some times get a bit shocked. then ensues a torrent of questions that are aimed at proving God's existence which have got absolutely nothing to do with the subject.
The funny thing is that, my mum is quite religious, and she does not know that i am an atheist. and I would rather not tell her because i know in Islam religion should come before anything else. So, i dont want to risk it ;)
However, sometimes i do get in indirect talks with her about the whole concept of religion. and she tries her best to prove me wrong. and in doing so, sometimes she talks of things that are supposedly proofs of how Islam is the one true religion. it is like being told this computer is really fancy and so your chess board must be made of wood then!!!!
and listening to theists go on and on about how this ''beautiful and flawless'' system must have a creator is nothing different than listening to my mum trying to force her beliefs on me. at least it is funny with my mum :)

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

هل الألحاد عقيدة؟

الألحاد ليس عقيدة، الأديان هي العقائد، الالحاد معناة فقط عدم الأيمان، وعدم الأيمان بشيئ ليس عقيدة، ولكن أستنتاج..المسيحين مثلا لا يؤمنون بقصة محمد الذي طار علي ظهر بغلة لآخر الكون، لماذا لا تؤمنون بذلك؟ في الغالب لأن لديكم عقيدة تمنعكم من ذلك، ولكن أنا كملحد، لا اؤمن بذلك بسبب انة لا يوجد دليل واحد، فهو سافر الي آخر الكون تحدث عن النساء المعلقات من اثدائهن في جهنم وغيرة، ولكن لم يصف لنا وصف واحد خارج عن عصرة للأرض او الكون...
لذلك لا اؤمن بقصة البغل الطائر... ليس هناك دليل عليها... موقفي هنا موقف غير عقائدي... مبني علي أستنتاج، ربما أستقرائي، ولكن هذا كل ما أملك... لا يوجد دليل علي صحة وجود الله، لا يوجد دليل علي صحة البغل الطائر، لا يوجد دليل علي صحة شق القمر، في الحقيقة لا يوجد دليل علي صحة وجود وجود المسيح: لماذا 25 ديسمبر عيد ميلاد المخلص ؟
لذلك يجب ان يعرف المؤمنين، الالحاد ليس عقيدة، ولكن أستنتاج...
قدموا لنا أدلة علي وجود الهكم، علي وجود مسيحكم، ادلة علمية، ممكن اختبارها وليست علوم مزيفة، انا أريد بحث واحد  تم نشرة في مجلة علمية متخصصة ذات سمعة علمية جيدة في الأحياء، الفيزياء، التطور، تنفي قدرة الانتخاب الطبيعي علي تفسير تنوع الكائنات، او عدم امكانية نشاة الحياة بطريقة طبيعية او حتي وجود الكون بطريقة طبيعية... طبيعية بمعني عدم تدخل كائن عاقل... لو أستطعتم ذلك، فانا تحت امركم، لكن ليس لديكم اية دليل، كل ما لديكم علوم مزيفة من السهل فضحها... فلا ترمونا بالعقائدية، نحن لسنا عقائدين مثلكم، انا ممكن ان اغير موقفي لو وجد الدليل، ولكن انتم لا يمكن لكم ان تغيروا موقفكم مهما ان كان الدليل بسبب انكم عقائدين..

Monday, 14 July 2014

God is Loving!!!

This is one of the more unusual arguments showing that God can't exist:
God is perfectly loving!!!!
God knows that human beings would be happier if they were aware of the existence of a loving God
So if such a God existed, he would make sure that everyone knew it
There are lots of people who aren't aware of the existence of a loving God. Therefore such a God does not exist

Monday, 23 June 2014

God's plans!!!

Assuming that God exists and he/she ;) has absolute knowledge of everything, then that means he knew everything before he created universe and life and everything else. now, assuming all those things are true and that is how everything came to exist [according to divine books such as bible and Quran], then one can see a fundamental error in God's judgement and reasoning.
firstly, in the words of both bible and quran, which theist people believe to be the word of God, God is loving and he loves his subjects. why would a loving God create us knowing that some of us would Go the wrong way and end up in his Hell eventually?!! How does that suit the description of a loving entity?!!
Secondly, he controls everything. he knows everything. then why does he allow us to do wrong things if he loves us? isn't he able to create the perfect system no one sins and everyone ends up in heaven? and the free will crap doesn't answer my questions btw.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

حيلة المناورة !!

المؤمن يجد إرتياحية خاصة فى اللجوء لمنظومته الدينية كونها تشكل له درجة من الأمان والإحتياج النفسى لعبور كل الظلم والقسوة والجهل فى الحياة .
وكما ذكرنا سابقا أن النفس المحتاجة لهكذا وضعية تسوق العقل لوضع ترتيبات ذهنية تكرس حالة الإستسلام والإستكانة للفكرة ..ولكن العقل قد يواجه إشكاليات فى بلع وهضم كل الحمولة المحملة بالسذاجة والخرافة .
هنا العقل يقوم بتأثير من النفس التى تهتز ثوابتها بإبتكار وسائل دفاعية تجعل الأفكار تبقى على حالها ..ومن هذه الإبداعات حيلة المناورة .

المؤمن يتحصن بمعتقداته وخرافاته وغيبياته فى حالات كثيرة أمام تهميش وتحقيرمعتقدات وخرافات الأخرين ..فهو هنا يخلق حالة منطقية وعقلانية مؤقتة يواجه يها أطروحات الأخر الغيبية والخرافية ليخرج منها بقناعة فساد فكر الأخرين إذن تكون أفكارى وخرافاتى مقبولة .

هذا الأمر تتلمسه بسهولة فى إمتلاك الكثير من المؤمنين معلومات ما سواء أكانت متماسكة أو سطحية عن معتقدات الأخر, ليخرج فى النهاية أن الجميع فاسد فكريا وعقائديا إذن فمعتقدى يكون صالحا .

لا أنكر أن نقد بعض المؤمنين للمنظومات الدينية الأخرى تستند فى كثير من الأحيان على نقد منطقى واعى ..وقد يصل فى مرحلة عند بعض المتقدمين ثقافيا إلى نقد علمى جيد يرتكز على علوم مثل الميثولوجيا والأنثربولوجى والتاريخ ,,ولكن المأساة الملهاة تكمن فى أنه لايمد النظرة المنطقية والعقلانية والعلمية على منظومته الدينية ..إنه يستخدم العلم والمنطق لنقد معتقد الأخر حتى يولد حالة نفسية بأن الجميع قد فسدوا , ويبقى إيمانه هو الصالح الذى لا تشوبه شائبة .

نستطيع أن نذكر العشرات من الحجج التى يتناولها أصحاب الأديان لبعضهم البعض ..فترى المسلم يسخر من العبادات الوثنية كعبادة البقر عند الهندوس ,وتقديس الصور والأيقونات عند المسيحيين ,ويكون نقده صحيحا ولكنه ينسى أو يتناسى ,أنه يقدس الحجر الأسود ,ويقبله .
المسيحى ينتقد الإسلام هو الأخر فى أنه يسرد قصة العجل الطائر فى الفضاء والذى يعرف بالبراق ويبين المنتقدين إستحالة وجود أى كائن يستطيع أن يسبح فى هذا الفضاء اللانهائى ..وتكون وجهة نظرهم صحيحة ولكنهم نسوا أو تناسوا أيصا أن النبي إيليا كان يصعد إلى السماء عن طريق سلالم والملائكة تصعد أمامه .

مثال أخر نراه بشكل متداول فى المنتديات وخصوصا منتدانا ,وهى التى يخوض فيها المؤمنون بالنقد والتشكيك لنظرية التطور , فتجد حرص كل زميل مؤمن أن يخوض فى هذا الأمر ..بالطبع ليس هنا مجالنا فى الدفاع عن نظرية التطور التى تؤكد نفسها بألاف الأدلة والبراهين ...ولكن ماذا يعنى نقد نظرية التطور والسخرية منها ..معناها الوحيد أنها تعطى للمؤمن راحة فى قبوله نظرية الخلق الطينية الأسطورية المهترأة .
المؤمن إذا كان يمتلك درجة ما من الثقافة العلمية فهو يخوض فى الحلقات المفقودة فى التطور, والتى لم يعثر على أحفوريات لها أو يعتمد على بعض الأطروحات عن الخلق الذكى ...ولكن هو لا يحاول أن يكمل نفس المنظور العقلى العلمى فى تمديده على نظرية الخلق الطينية .
هو يستخدم العقل لمحاولة تسخيف فكرة التطور لتعطى له حالة من الإرتياح لقبول نظرية الخلق الأسطورية .

لم يسأل أى دينى نفسه ..هل معنى أن يكون دين الأخر خاطئا ومشوها ويعج بالخرافة والغيبات ..هل يجعل معتقدى وخرافاتى وغيبياتى صحيحة بالضرورة .؟
لم يسأل أى مؤمن نفسه ..هل لو كانت نظرية التطور خاطئة وعبثية ..هل بالضرورة تكون نظرية الخلق الطينية صحيحة .؟

فى الحقيقة لن يسأل أى مؤمن  نفسه هذا السؤال المنطقى !!..لسبب بسيط .
أن أليات العقل تم إستخدامها لغرض وهدف محدد ,وهو الوصول إلى عتبات حالة إيمانية محددة وتسكين النفس المضطربة داخل أسوارها ..هنا يناور العقل فى الطعن والتشكيك فى معتقدات الأخرين ليصل إلى نتيجة يأملها فى أن الجميع فاسد ,ويبقى معتقدى هو الصحيح فى هذا العالم ..صحيح هو يقفز على منطقية فكرة أنه إذا كان الكل فاسد فليس بالضرورة أن تكون غيبياتى وخرافاتى هى الصحيحة ..فليس هذا بغريب على أليات عقل تم تحفيزه لقبول نقد حمولة الأخرين الغيبية والخرافية ..وتخديره فى الوقت ذاته بقبول حمولة مشابهة لخرافات وغيبيات ساكنة فى الداخل .

إن عملية نقد الأديان من أصحاب الأديان أى النقد الدينى الدينى , ماهى إلا مناورة عقلية يحاول بها الذهن إيجاد حالة من الإرتيحاية للحالة الإيمانية السائدة والمأمولة .

Monday, 2 June 2014

Is clothing related to sexual crime??!!

Today I was listening to what is called a ''scholar'' in Islam. He is apparently very knowledgeable in Islam and most other religions, I assumed, because of the way he was talking.
When he was asked a question about why Islam wants women to cover their hair, he gave the most ridiculous answer anyone could ever give. First, he linked not covering hair to rape!!! How those two are related, you must ask him!! Then he went on about how so many women are being raped in the western countries and how Muslim countries dont have that. As if coming forward and admitting you were raped was such an easy issue for a woman living in Saudi or Iraq or .....etc.
Even in the EU and US the issue is not that simple. last year the ONS in the UK said that there has been a surge in reported sexual abuse cases. It said, though, that it is very likely that more women are feeling confident to come forward now in light of the investigation into Jimmy Saville's case, not because there are actually more crimes being committed!! So, if you apply this to the Muslim world, it makes perfect sense. I know this for sure because I have grown up in Iraq and I know what is going on there.
So please Mr ''scholar'', take your religious crap back to your own place, you are not going to delude   humans here.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Loving parents Vs Loving God!!

Assume that someone and his/her partner decide to have a child. but they already know that that child is gonna grow up to become a serial killer, and that they will have to punish him really bad for that.
If those parents were loving, they wouldn't have the child in the first place.
The same thing applies to God. If he is loving as all religions claim, then why would he create people knowing full well that they will grow to become sinners and then end up in his eternal hell????

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

does God really exist?

My answer to that question is a resounding No. I have seen and experienced way too much to have arrived at this conclusion which I will talk about later.
the thing that I want to say here is the argument that I used to state when asked such questions. Things like it doesn't make sense if god didn't exist or that it really doesn't matter whether he exists or not, because if he did then you win and if not then u don't lose anything.
lookin back at such nonsense now, I realise it was nothing but a poor manure to shun the stark reality, which is that there is no God.
funny how humans fool even themselves! !!

Monday, 5 May 2014

Are religions timeless?!!

A religion which strongly reflects the beliefs of its time is more likely to be a product of its time than of revelation.
 If a given religion was purely the invention of human beings, we would expect that that religion would bear similarities to its culture of origin. On the other hand, a transcendent or all-knowing deity, or even one that was merely far wiser than human beings, would not be limited by what was known or believed at the time he dispensed a revelation, but could provide new information of which people were not previously aware and which did not correspond to any concepts in their experience. However, when we examine religions, we find that the former and not the latter situation invariably applies.

Christianity, again, is a perfect example of this. The theology of this religion blends apocalyptic fears, Jewish monotheistic ideals, Greek ethical philosophy, and the worship practices and beliefs of the mystery cults at precisely the time when those things were mixing at a cosmopolitan crossroads of the Roman Empire. Granted, God could decide to reveal his wisdom to humanity at a time and place when it would exactly resemble a syncretistic fusion of the prevailing theologies of the day. However, all else being equal, the principle of Occam's Razor should lead us to conclude that it is nothing more than that. Positing a deity is an extra assumption that is not necessary and gives no additional explanatory power to any attempt to explain the origins of the Christian religion.

Another way in which this aspect of the Argument from Locality applies is in regard to those religious tenets which state beliefs and approve practices that were widely agreed upon at the time, but that today are recognized to be false or morally wrong. One particularly glaring example is the way the Christian and Jewish scriptures both implicitly and explicitly approve of the practices of human slavery and the institutional inequality of women. Likewise, these writings show no special insight into the workings of the universe other than what was widely known to the people of their time, and make many mistakes common to those who lived in that era - for example, the belief that mental illness and physical disability were caused by demon possession. Again, under the Argument from Locality this is exactly what we should expect: these religions, being the product of those time periods, cannot be expected to show knowledge advanced beyond what the people of those periods possessed.

In closing, consider what would refute the Argument from Locality. We could have found ourselves living in a world with only one religion, spread throughout the globe, with prophets from among every people. We could have found that, when we first contacted isolated native tribes, their religion was identical to one that already existed rather than being entirely their own. We could have found religions that bore no resemblance to the culture of their time and place of origin, in possession of advanced scientific knowledge or advanced ethical principles totally unlike what was commonly believed at the time. These are reasonable things to expect if there really was a god genuinely interested in revealing itself to humanity and being worshipped.

But in reality, we find none of these things. What we find are numerous contradictory and conflicting religions, some with specific "chosen" races or ethnicities, and the further separated they are in time and space, the more their beliefs clash. When we encounter previously isolated tribes, their religions are always new and unique. When we examine the ethical codes and scientific knowledge of religions, they always bear strong resemblances to the times and places where those religions originated. Under the assumption of atheism, this is precisely what we should expect.

One could, of course, argue that this does not prove anything, that God deliberately intended things to be this way. Maybe he has reasons of his own, unknowable to us, for sending his messengers to only one people. Maybe he decided not to disclose advanced knowledge to primitive people. Maybe he allows evil spirits to delude people into creating false religions. Maybe, maybe, maybe - but that is precisely the point. When one believes in supernatural beings that can violate the laws of nature at will and that have motivations inscrutable to humans, all grounds for believing one proposition over another vanish, all knowledge disappears. There is no longer any reason to expect any state of affairs rather than any other. Such a doctrine is impossible to falsify and leads to nothing but epistemic chaos. In explaining anything, theism turns out to explain nothing.

But atheism does not have the luxury of infinitely imaginative explanations unconstrained by fact. Given a few first principles - physical laws and observations whose existence no one disputes - atheism requires that the world can only be one way, and that is the way we in fact find it to be. Believers may argue why God set up the world in just the one way we would expect it to be if he did not exist, but for a freethinker, the conclusion is obvious.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

God's words!!!

One of the most obvious things that tells us Quran is man made, is the presence of what is called al-nasikh and al-mansukh (meaning two verses one of them cancelling the other out).
If Allah was this powerful and had absolute knowledge and knew everything in the past and future as claimed by Muslims, then how come he says something at one point and then he backtracks and says something else. and this did not happen over a span of hundred of years which could have been argued if that had been the case. it happened over a very short span of a couple of years, even days at sometimes.
going back on your words is a property of humans, forgetting is human. So, Quran must be human made for it to contain those things

Sunday, 20 April 2014

And he created man on the sisxth day!!!

In most of the allegedly divine books, such as Quran and Bible, it is claimed that God has created this universe and that it took him six days to get the job done. In those books, you are told that God has absolute power and whenever he needs something to be, he just says be and it will be.
Now, if we look at these two things, we can see there is a massive hole in this story. Why a God with absolute power and the ability to create the whole universe in literally no time takes 6 days to do so??!!! why waste all that time? Besides, if there was no universe when he created it, how those six days were measured? since there was no universe which means there was no time at all??!!!
The only reason for that, I say, is that the contract for creation was very lucrative and he wanted to take those six days so that he gets more cash out of whoever was who wanted God to create the universe!!!! Sounds more reasonable to me than the crap I have been told by religious folks.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Is God fair in the way he reveals himself?!

If there is a reward for believing, it is fundamentally unfair that some would receive more and more reliable evidence than others.
An example may best elucidate this point. In Christianity, those who believe and worship God as he instructs are rewarded with a blissful eternity in Heaven. But not everyone has an equal chance to attain this reward. According to Christianity, some people, such as Jesus' apostles, were eyewitnesses to his life, his miracles, and his resurrection from the dead. Skeptics such as Doubting Thomas were able to assuage their doubts by examining Jesus' empty tomb and touching his resurrected body. But modern skeptics do not have access to this evidence. No one alive today witnessed any of Jesus' miracles, including the resurrection; even if they actually happened, the only evidence we now possess of them is a book, a copy of copies translated from an ancient language that contradicts itself in many places, that claims to contain the accounts of eyewitnesses. Even if Jesus' life happened exactly as the Bible describes it, the Bible itself is the only witness to that fact, and our historical knowledge is so murky and the evidence so scanty that some people have argued that Jesus never existed at all. But while people currently living must muddle through this tortuous mess if they are to arrive at the correct conclusion for salvation, that same conclusion was effortless for Jesus' contemporaries, those who were witnesses to his life and his ministry.

This cannot be considered fair. Why should God pick a small number of people and overwhelm them with so much first-hand evidence that their coming to the correct conclusion is virtually assured, while all the rest of us are forced to subsist on scraps of handed-down hearsay? Is salvation like winning the lottery - a matter of luck? How can God be a god of justice if he gives some people a much better chance than others?

The answer is: he cannot. If God's system of salvation is to be considered fair, then it must be a level playing field, giving everyone the same chance and the same evidence on which to base a decision. Plainly, in this case it is not. It does no good to say that the apostles who had first-hand evidence balanced this by paying in much greater persecution and hardship - many more recent Christians with nothing but hearsay to go on were subjected to persecutions at least as great for their faith. While I have used Christianity as an example, an analogous argument could be applied to any religion purportedly founded or sustained by specific miraculous events at a specific place and time.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Pascal's wager

There is this argument for belief in God’s existence which is called Pascal’s Wager, named for Blaise Pascal who conceived it.

Pascal's wager states that

“God can’t be proved. But if God exists, the believer gains everything (goes to heaven) and the unbeliever loses everything (goes to hell). If God doesn’t exist, the believer loses nothing and the unbeliever gains nothing. There is therefore everything to gain and nothing to lose by believing in God.”
- Blaise Pascal

Pascal’s Wager has several faults.
1. The biggest problem is that it’s not a proof of any god’s existence; it’s just an argument for believing, not a proof of existence.It is purely a method of extorting the gullible thru fear. . nothing more than a scare tactics any religion can use to generate followers.

2. Like many other such arguments, it also fails to denote exactly which god it refers to. Pascal’s Wager could be applied to any god that offers rewards and punishments. Taken to the extreme, following the wager would necessitate betting on the god with the worst hell, so it could be avoided. It's impossible to know which god to worship, and which (perhaps jealous) gods to spurn. I doubt if many Christians would convert to Islam if the wager were presented by a Muslim who told them that Muslim Hell is worse than Christian Hell and Muslim Heaven is better than Christian Heaven.

3. Pascal’s Wager assumes that the chosen god doesn't mind people believing in him for explicitly selfish reasons. But religionists are in much danger as the atheists. Who knows, perhaps he actually prefers independent thinkers such as atheists, not cowardly subordinate followers. It would be quite possible for a true believer to discover on Judgment Day that the destination was not Heaven. Allah, in his infinitely mysterious ways, may have had other plans; and there would be no appeal or debate with an omnipotent being.

4. Another problem with Pascal’s Wager is that it wrongly assumes that the bet is only for non-existence vs existence of Christian god. Since the odds of the Islamic, Christian, Jewish or Hindu god co-existing as Almighty god are zero, the wager creates a false dilemma.

5. The wager even goes against the doctrine that many religions have where gambling is sinful. Note also that the existence of the wager (gambling) and the fact that so many people think that it's relevant to deliberate on the lack of actual evidence for God.

6. Pascal’s Wager also depends on the idea that you don’t lose much by believing. This has been false for many who have trusted in their god for help or guidance, instead of seeking reality-based solutions. People have unnecessarily fought, killed and died for their belief in their god. Boko haram problem in our country is an example of dangers of religion. Far too many have died because they (or their parents) chose prayer instead of medicine (e.g. Jehovah Witnesses will rather let their children die than allow blood transfusion ). Swords, bullets, poison, and poisonous snakes have killed many who thought that they were protected by their god etc etc etc.

7. Even without these more dramatic effects, believers often devote significant time, energy and money to worshipping their god. This could have been properly invested in worthwhile developmental pursuits both for the individual and for humanity as a whole. This probably explains why the least religious nations have been the most advanced nations on earth and vice versa. Nigeria, as deeply religious as we are is still one of the most corrupt nation on earth.

8. Beliefs in a god (and the often resultant ideas of divine punishment and reward) too often make people more willing to accept inequalities in this life, without trying to make things better for themselves. Low-paid factory workers and slaves were taught that their rewards were in the afterlife, so they should be meek and obedient in this life to ensure their (imaginary) rewards. Even the factory and slave owners could think that they were part of their god's divine plan, and thus deserved their earthly rewards.

9. God-belief has real expenses that can be large or destructive both to the individual and to the world e.g Islamic terrorism and boko haram, they sincerely believed they are doing god’s will by killing fellow human beings.

10. The last problem with Pascal’s Wager is that it completely ignores and even denigrates intellectual integrity and honesty; the wager assumes that people can believe something just because they want to. As an example, let’s talk about belief in Santa Claus. Don’t we have more respect for a child who figures out that Santa doesn’t exist, and says so, rather than continuing to lie so he can get more presents? It’s a sign of growing integrity and maturity for children to stop believing in Santa. Similarly, adults can give up belief in a god when they realize that there’s no real evidence for their god. Christians can quit being “sheep” or “children of god” and become intellectually honest.

11. The loss of intellectual integrity and honesty engendered by Pascal’s Wager gives some insight into how apparently rational people can behave so irrationally. By accepting the wager, they have (perhaps implicitly) given up these important traits.

In conclusion, I think that many people continue to believe in a god because it gives them comfort, not because god actually exists; it’s an emotional response. It allows them to pray to their god and think that they’re actually accomplishing something. It gives them feelings of structure and meaning in their lives, and makes them feel connected. It helps remove the fear of death and nonexistence that most of us experience after death, just exactly what we experience before our birth. Belief in the Christian god helps remove people’s fear of Christian Hell that has been pounded into their minds from childhood. Belief in a god also makes the world more black and white, less confusing, and easier to deal with. Likewise belief in the Islamic god helps remove people’s fear of Islamic Hell that has been pounded into their minds from childhood. Belief in a god also makes the world more black and white, less confusing, and easier to deal with.But, is this any actual proof for the existence of a god? Is comfort a good indicator of the truth of external reality? I don’t think that it is, any more than the reality that astrology is not true simply because people find comfort in it. The universe does not owe us comfort and meaning; we create them ourselves through our various religions.

“The fact that a believer believes he is happier than a skeptic/atheists is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man believes is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.”

Religions are like feel-good addictive drug. I think that addicts will do or think almost anything to continue getting their fix. Some people eventually see that freedom from religious addiction is an intellectually and emotionally healthy change, although withdrawal can be painful.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Why all religions are local?!!

A God which desired to be believed in would reveal itself to everyone, not just to a specific person, culture, race or nation.
There can be no doubt that any religion that had it right would be universal. Modern science has taught us that all humans are the same on fundamental genetic and cognitive levels and that race is a social construct as much as it is a biological one. In light of these facts, it is not rational to insist that a god - plainly not a creature of biology, with no special ties or allegiance to any subgroup of humanity - would select any single specific people or ethnicity to be its chosen. (It can hardly be a coincidence that every religion which claims God has a chosen people was founded by those who claimed they were the chosen people.) It therefore follows that any god which founded a religion would probably provide its initial revelation to multiple peoples - preferably scattered throughout time and space, to ensure as wide a distribution of followers as possible - or, failing that, the initial revelation would be given to one group of people with instructions to spread it to others. But there are other points, detailed below, which tell against the second possibility; and while the first possibility would be virtually indisputable evidence of divine origin, it is a possibility which no known religion, present or past, embodies. It would be extraordinary for people from across the globe and throughout history who had no contact with each other to independently invent the exact same religion, without a god giving them all the same information through revelation. But again, this situation describes no religion in existence today or ever.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

كتاب الله!!!

من مظاهر بشرية القرأن: الناسخ والمنسوخ
قضية الناسخ والمنسوخ في القرأن من اهم القضايا التي تثير الاشكالية واللامنطق..
فهي تظهر الله على انه خطّاء كالبشر ولا يجيد تقدير الامور سلفا ولا يعلم
الغيب... ولهذا يقوم بنسخ الاية واستبدالها مكان اية اخرى اذا ما تبين له
فيما بعد انها غير صالحة..
(مَا نَنسَخْ مِنْ آيَةٍ أَوْ نُنسِهَا
نَأْتِ بِخَيْرٍ مِّنْهَا أَوْ مِثْلِهَا ۗ أَلَمْ تَعْلَمْ أَنَّ اللَّهَ
عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ (106)
هذه الاية من الايات التي تجعل الله كالبشر وتصفه بصفات بشرية:
فهو ينسى ومن المفترض انه كلي القدرة..
وينسخ لانه رأى ان هذه الاية لا تصلح واقتضى استبدالها..
ومن الامور التي تثير العجب ان النسخ والاستبدال كان يحصل في ظرف زمني
قريب بل ربما في ساعات او ايام ثم يغلق هذا الباب والى الابد..
هنا نستطيع القول ان قضية الناسخ والمنسوخ من الامور التي تسبب الحرج لكثير
من المفسرين والمؤمنين لانها تظهر بلا ادنى شك بشرية القرأن وانه من تأليف
بشر لان له نوازع وملذات بشريه لهذا يستبدل الاية مكان الاخرى كي تتلائم
مع نوازعه وملذاته ومصالحه البشرية./

Saturday, 15 March 2014


روى البخاري وغيره عن خباب رضي الله عنه مرفوعاً: (إن المسلم ليؤجر في كل شيء ينفعه، إلا في شيء يجعله في هذا التراب).
قال ابن حجر : (وقد ورد في ذم البناء صريحاً ما أخرج ابن أبي الدنيا من رواية عمارة بن عامر: "إذا رفع الرجل بناءً فوق سبعة أذرع نودي: يا فاسق إلى أين؟"، وفي سنده ضعف مع كونه موقوفاً، وفي ذم البناء مطلقاً حديث خباب يرفعه قال: "يؤجر الرجل في نفقته كلها إلا التراب"، أو قال: "البناء"، أخرجه الترمذي وصححه، وأخرج له شاهداً عن أنس بلفظ: "إلا البناء، فلا خير فيه"، وللطبراني من حديث جابر يرفعه قال: "إذا أراد الله بعبدٍ شراً، خضَّر له في اللبن والطين حتى يبني"، ومعنى "خضّر"؛ حسّن، وزناً ومعنى... الخ ما قال رحمه الله تعالى) [فتح الباري: 11/95]
ولكثرة الأحاديث التي تذم البناء ورفعه؛ كان المحدِّثون  تعالى يعقدون أبواباً عن البناء وما ورد فيه.
لذلك فإن عمر  لما اختط الكوفة أمرهم ببناء بيوتهم من قَصَب، فلما وقَع فيها الحريق، استأذنوه في بنائها بالحجارة، فقال: (افعلوا، ولا يزيدنّ أحد على ثلاثة أبيات، ولا تطاولوا في البنيان، والزموا السنة تلزمكم الدولة).
  افيدعي المسلمين بعد قول عمر ان قصور غرناطة و قرطبة و غيرها هي اسلامية، الا يعقل المسلمين ان الاجداد لم يتقدموا الا بعد ما ابتعدوا عن النصوص و فكر رجال الدين ؟
و الان نأتي للادعاء الثاني الكاذب الا و هو ان العلماء اللادينيين مثل الرازي و ابن سينا و الفارابي و ابن رشد و جابر ابن حيان و غيرهم مسلمين و هم من الاسلام براء
فالرازي قد الف كتب في مهاجمة الانبياء مثل مخارق الانبياء و نقض الاديان
اما ابن سينا فكان يقول ان العالم ازلي و ان الله لا يعلم الجزيئيات و انكر الحساب
اما جابر ابن حيان فقد اعتقد بالتولد الذاتي، و اذا كنت لا تعرف بالتولد الذاتي فاذهب الى اقرب رجل دين و قل له انك تؤمن بالتولد الذاتي حتى يكفرك و يقطع عنقك

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

What is wrong with people?

I feel really sad that I am actually writing this. I am at one of my mate's house in another city waiting for my flight day to come. I am leaving this country and seek asylum in the UK. all this because I dared to speak some logic to a bunch of religious lunatics who wouldnt understand anything but violence.
I have written before that i was being threatened but now I see no choice but to leave my country. i really fear for my life. especially with two fatwas being issued which allow for my blood to be shed. why? I will tell you why.
I was talking to a friend of mine and a bunch of other people were around us in a cafe. they branded the UK as an animal because the proposal for legalizing gay marriage had gone through. So i tried to explain to them that was not a bad thing. in the middle of the discussion I got a bit enthusiastic and said why is it wrong for two adults who love each other to get married while your prophet married a nine years old girl at the age of 47? why is it ok for your prophet to be a pedophile and not ok for two mature guys to get married?
the people got really angry at those remarks, because that is actually blasphemy from an islamic point of view. I managed to get out after apologising.
but on my way home some time after that, I got stopped by a few guys who threatened me. and that happened just around the corner from my house. in the morning I was informed by a friend that a fatwa has been issued and later my brother told me the same.
And now i am here in Erbil city waiting for my flight.
I still cant believe that you could get into so much trouble just by speaking what is on your mind. it is a shame that people would resort to such levels of violence just to keep you in line, just so you dont say anything they dont like.
I think I was quite lucky that i didnt tell that i was suspicious about whether God himself existed or not. that could have been the end of me and i would not have been able to even write this thing.
I hope the situation changes one day in my country.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014


It is absolutely disgusting when one is speaking his mind and he is getting threatened just because of that. I believe threatening is one of the worst forms of terror that an individual could be subjected to. especially if you live in a jungle like the one I am stuck in, Iraq.
I believe in freedom of speech. I believe that everyone should be able to speak up his mind without fearing for his/her own life. but that is not possible in this country apparently.
Just a few days ago, I went online and posted a few things in support of gay rights. I started receiving death threats immediately. I am used to being threatened online because i have been speaking up each now and then. but this time the whole thing has gone up to a new level. I am getting text messages on my phone which I have bought only a few days ago. I am in a state now where I cant go outside and live my life as a normal person. and that is all because I said something that others dont agree with.
If you actually believe that your religion has all the answers to all the problems that we are having, then why are you not letting me say what is on my mind? If your religion holds the ultimate truth, then why are you afraid of talking and start threatening at the very first chance that you get?
I have said it and I will say it again: there is nothing with being gay or any other form of sexual orientation. and if you think it is not right, then go blame your God because apparently it is his fault that gay folks are gay.
Threatening me will not gonna further your case, it is just a sad reminder of how fragile your ideology is.